Professional learning:
Challenging Bias

  1. Unconscious Bias in Primary Schools note: the content of this short video is relevant for colleagues in all sectors (8 minute watch)

    Reflection questions: Consider the 9 top tips for de-biasing - how might you incorporate these into practice? How might you support the development of a whole school ethos based on the tips for de-biasing?

  2. Education Scotland’s Bias and Inequality slides and facilitation notes

    Reflection question: Consider slide 13 and the associated facilitation notes. How would you articulate the relationship between bias and the different forms of racism described?

  3. Anti-racist educator ‘Conscious/Unconscious Bias’ explainer

    Reflection questions: Consider the two forms of bias described (unconscious/implicit and conscious). Are either of these a feature of your setting? How might each be challenged if they arise?